Funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
The project aims to combat the loss of know-how in footwear manufacturing in the EU which is particularly evident in Poland, where job profiles involving manual skills have no success in attracting young people, and where numerous VET schools have been closed because of lacking students (source: in-depth assessment of the situation of the European footwear sector and prospects for its future development; DG Enterprise & Industry, 2012).
Therefore the project intends to reinvigorate the training of skilled workers for the footwear industry thanks to an innovative training pathway encompassing:
This training pathway is developed through:
The aim of the project is to develop a new curriculum for «Industrial Shoemakers» focusing on the engineering and manufacturing process. The idea is to use the best practices of EU countries with a long-standing training tradition in the footwear sector and a flourishing footwear industry.
The project partners work towards achieving the following: